Lately I've been doing a few Portfolio Buliding sessions and posting them. So I thought since I'm done editing and posting those I would post some recent ones of my little ones.
Lilly is getting so big. She is already 6 months old. The time has just flown by. She's scooting around, almost sitting up on her one completely, and eating jar food. She is such a doll, she just keeps getting more and more beautiful everyday.

Maddie is coming up on being 2 and 1/2 years old, but I swear you wouldn't think so. She is so smart and advanced. She keeps me entertained as she is my little comedian... there's never a dull moment with her around.

Kayleigh just started 1st grade. Her cheerleading has started back up again. And now she wants to be in Girl Scouts. Can you tell this girl always has to be on the go? She has so much personality and it shows in everything she does! (Including this picture... this is SO her!)

And there is my only boy Dylan. He just started 3rd grade this year and joined a local Soccer leauge. He also wants to go back into Cub Scouts. He is getting so old and is so full of life and positivity. When we did his shoot we included his soccer ball to "celebrate" his first year in soccer.