About Me

- Stephanie Gallipeau
- Kansas City, Missouri, United States
- Welcome to my blog. I'm Stephanie and this is my photography. I am a daughter, sister, aunt, friend, wife to an amazing man, a mother a five onry kids and a photographer. Very rarely will you find me without my camera or a line of children in tow. My photography is my passion. I get my inspriation from my family and try to portray that into my work. I love photographing the innocence of a child, love of a family, or the randomness of an object that catches my eye. Photography makes me happy and it relieves some of the stress of my hectic life. I'm not in it for the big bucks because I think it's crazy to charge an outrages price to capture someones memories. Im in it for just that, capturing memories, both mine and others. So sit back and hopefully enjoy my photography. And if you live in my area and would like to set up a session; email me at stephgallipeau@yahoo.com. Prices and Avaliablity can be found in a link at the bottom of the page. Also leave me some comments I'd like to hear what you think! Enjoy! & Find me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Stephanie-Gallipeau-Photography/122803949512
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Ms S Maternity Preview | Kansas City MO Metro Area Photographer
Today I got to enjoy the company of one of my good friends and do her maternity photos. We had a lot of fun and got some pretty good pics. Here they are. Hope you enjoy them.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A Day in My Life
Ever wonder what it's like to be a stay at home mother of four? Well I decided to give you a sneak peek into a day in my life. I got this idea off of someone from a photography board. It's a photographic view into one of my days. All pictures aren't all technically correct, but it's more about the "fun" of it rather than the perfect technical photos. So without further aueidu... A Day in My Life.
And with every little thing I do, my trusty little sidekick is following me around like a lost little puppy dog -- er, I mean kitty cat! So I snapped a quick pick of her.

While the older kids are heading off to school first thing I gotta do is check my facebook. Yeah. I'm a junkie! lol.
After that my girls are ready for mommy to give them their drinks, feed and change them.
Today I had some errands to run. So now it was mommy's turn to get ready. Here are my essentials of getting ready for the day.
And here I am all ready to get on with the day.
Of course, can't forget to take my prenatal and iron pills.
And with every little thing I do, my trusty little sidekick is following me around like a lost little puppy dog -- er, I mean kitty cat! So I snapped a quick pick of her.
And then it's time to go. Today I have to pick up Dylan up from school and then it's a doctors appointment for him and then his sign ups for soccer. The girls stayed home with Daddy.
After I drop him back off at school I gotta do something about my filthy van and since it's such a nice day I decided to stop by the car wash.
Nice and clean.
On to the next errands. The bank and to pay our cell phone bill and grocery shopping.
When I get home it's time for some snacks. Puffy Cheetos. Yum.
Some time for mommy and daddy to catch up before he leaves for work. And Maddie and Lilly play.
Of course I have to let Marley out plenty of times a day... here is just one of the times.
It's time for daddy to get ready for work so I check my Zoo World. Again, yeah I'm a junkie.
Finally it's time for my hubby to leave. I hate this time of day. I don't like him not being home with us at night, but it pays the bills!
Shortly after Kayleigh comes home. Dylan has tutoring tonight so he'll be home later.
At five o'clock it's time to pick up Dylan, so the girls and I load up in the van to get him.
When we get home I realize I hadn't had anything to eat so its time to eat and watch my soap operas I DVRed during the day.
A little later it's time to feed my babies, both human and fur!
It's a simple TV Dinner night for the 3 oldest kiddos.
Peas, peaches, and apple juice for Lilly
And pet food for Bella and Marley.
All looks like it tastes good!
Since tonight is Thurday it's elmination night on American Idol. So I watch idol while the kids take baths.
Shortly after baths it's bed time. That itself is a hectic time with 4 children so no pics there.
But that is just a small glimps into the life I live from day to day. It's exhausting, but it's my life and I love it. Hope you enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun carrying my camera around and documenting my life.
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